Staff Training
Thrive Training video
Over 18s no therapy
Over 18s with therapy
Under 18s
We have 3 licences:
Over 18 NO therapy - CCSUPPORT22
This is for adult clients who are accessing our counselling services and would benefit from mental health support in between session to maintain stability, practice mindfulness etc.
Over 18 with Therapy - CCNYTHERAPY22
This is for adult clients who are about to finish their counselling sessions with us. This license includes therapy access. If you feel your clients would benefit from ‘aftercare’/support to maintain good mental health, then give them the licence that includes therapy.
This licence can also be given to parents/carers of children accessing the Scarborough and Whitby children’s service, as part of that service is to provide family support.
12 – 17 (no therapy) - CCU18THRIVE
This licence is for 12 -17 year olds, it has no therapy access and can be given to children using the Scarborough/Whitby and VCS children.